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4 Words the Lord Gave Me in This Season of Multiplication

Recently, I have been praying about multiplication. I’ve been praying that we wouldn’t just see addition, but instead we would see multiplication in the Church. I’ve also been praying that I wouldn’t see people just adding a few things into their lives, but that there would be exponential multiplication and quick growth in people’s lives and in the Body of Christ.

As I was praying about this, the Lord gave me 4 areas that He is going to bring multiplication in and they all start with the letter D. The 4 words were dreams, destiny, doors and dimensions.

1. Dreams

The first word the Lord spoke to me about was dreams. This is the season that so many are going to start living their dreams. Each time the Lord spoke to me about this He did not say, “dream” as in just one dream. Instead every time I heard it, it was “dreams” more than one dream, as in multiplication.

Many people do not think that God pays attention to the details of their lives. If you are believing for a new house from God, don’t just pray for a new house. Start dreaming about what you want the kitchen to look like, i.e., about what kind of light fixtures you want. Get specific. This is a season where God wants to multiply your dreams.

You may have a dream job, a dream vacation, you may have dreams about specific things that you want to do with your children. You have many dreams in your heart and now is the time to get specific with those dreams. The Lord is saying, “There is a multiplication that is coming to the dreams.” Don’t limit God, but allow God to dream through you. And dream big!

I recently shared this, but think about Hannah in the Bible. She was crying out to God to give her a baby, a baby boy. But God wasn’t just interested in giving her one child, He wanted to multiply her by giving her several children.

2. Destiny

The second revelation the Lord spoke to me about was destiny. Destiny is the deep calling that God has placed inside of you. Destiny is like a seed that the Lord has planted deep inside of you and it will not go away.

Someone recently asked me, “Joe, how do you do what you do? You have a great marriage and kids, your family life seem great. You also have a great church, apostolic network, and you write tons of material. You’re always doing videos and traveling all over America. How do you do all of this?” My simple answer was, “Destiny.”

When you start going and flowing with God, your destiny begins to be multiplied. You don’t do just one thing, you do multiple things. As God multiplies your destiny, He will empower you to do multiple things. Don’t limit God in your destiny. It’s much bigger than you think.

3. Doors

The third word the Lord spoke to me was doors. Not a door but “doors”. Many people are waiting for God to just open one door. God doesn’t just want to open up one door for you, He wants to open up multiple doors for you. I recently had a vision where I was walking down a hallway and there were doors all along the sides of the hallway. I kept walking straight ahead and came to a door directly in front of me. I opened the door and as I walked through it, I came upon another door. I opened it and walked through the next door and another door opened to me. This happened many times.

What God was showing me in this vision: this is a season of multiplied doors and God is sending open doors to you, one right after another, after another. You don’t have to look for doors of opportunity, open doors will find you. You don’t have to ask for favor, the favor of God will find you. If you are faithful to stay in the secret place of fasting, prayer and seeking the Lord, God will open doors for you. You won’t have to go looking or knocking on doors. As you stay humble and walk in humility, God will open up doors for you that you can’t even imagine.

4. Dimensions

And lastly, the fourth word was dimensions. I believe a dimension happens when someone jumps up at multiple levels higher than where they are currently. I received a prophetic word recently that I was going to jump dimensions. I was excited by this word but didn’t understand how powerful this actually was. As I stepped into a new level of favor in my life, I experience a jump into greater dimensions. We suddenly made incredible connections as we met the right people with the right equipment that we needed to move forward. We also experienced an influx in our finances. I felt as if the goodness of God was overtaking me. I asked the Lord, “God, I’m thankful for what is happening but what is this?” And I felt the Lord tell me, “Did I not tell you that you were going to jump dimensions?” This is a season where God is going to move people into a multiplication of dimensions. Expect to jump up several levels in the spirit.

Many people ask me and my wife Autumn how we have so much joy and why we seem so happy and peaceful all the time. It is because we are living out every dream and every calling that God has placed upon us. We have peace and joy because we know God has us in a season of multiplication and because we trust that God has us. We always trust God to make a way and to multiply us as we walk with Him.

Get ready, my friends, you’re about to experience multiplication in your dreams, destiny, doors and dimensions!

Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries

ElijahList Publications

528 Ellsworth St. SW

Albany, OR 97321


Phone 1-541-926-3250