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It is Time for You to Rise!

At this momentous hour of history we, the people of God, are poised at a crossroads. We are being called to make significant and possibly tough choices that have the potential to shape the future. We have been positioned in the doorway of destiny, the door of beginnings and of endings. Things are being wrapped up in our lives; doors are closing and loose ends are being tied – a season is being completed. As the door closes behind us, we stand in anticipation of an era of strength now opening up before us. It’s a time of purpose being released and of destiny being called forth into fruition. This is the time to stake your ground and to set your face with resolve to build and finish well. In this hour of great possibilities and maturity realized, God has graced it with wisdom and understanding. A rising is taking place!

I have been hearing certain words resounding in my spirit of late – two of which are “rise” and “rising”. When checking the definitions of words, I will usually receive more revelation from the Lord. “Rising” means: “Going up, increasing, or going upward; advancing to maturity or high standing; approaching a higher level, or grade. To increase, to get up from a lying position, be restored to life, move to a higher position.” These definitions all represent this notable hour and the Lord’s work in a people completed for glory.
There is a rising coming for the Body of Christ – a rising within Him, in His ways and in His love to be free in Christ. We are rising up in the glory of the Son. A “rising” can also mean a revolution or revolt – it is time to rise up and push back the powers of darkness trying to encroach and violate our lives!

“So may all Your enemies perish, Lord! But may all who love You be like the sun when it rises in its strength…” (Judges 5:31)

We are being called to rise up, like Deborah, and take our places in history; to rise up, like Jael, and seize the day. We are being called to rise to the occasion for which we were created. Rise to believe that you can overcome, because much greater is He that lives in you – the One who has overcome the world – than the one who is under your feet! The force that is holding the world together lives inside of us! With the grasping of this truth comes the revelation that nothing is or can be impossible to those who believe in Him.

An Apostolic Thrust

Another word that has taken hold in my mind is the word “thrust”. Thrust means: “To push something or someone suddenly or violently in the specified direction: to move or advance; the propulsive force of a jet or rocket.”

Recently I heard the Lord say, “I am calling for an APOSTOLIC RISING and an APOSTOLIC THRUST!” The silver trumpet that calls for the leaders to take their places, to be ready, is resounding loudly with a clear sound. The days of preparation are being wrapped up as our harvest has come. There is an apostolic arising taking place in the power of the Holy Spirit. After death comes resurrection. There are a people hearing the sound and they are rising, coming out of graves where strongholds and circumstances have kept them bound. The cry of the Lord can be heard, “Be loosed and arise to life, to the upward call in Christ.” People are coming out of the crucible of fire, prepared as agents of transformation.

God is saying, “This is the time to make your voice heard!” Esther 4:14 is a passage in Scripture that I am very familiar with, that I have spoken and written on many times. I was therefore very surprised when I read it recently and saw the words: “For if you are silent…” as if I had never seen them. I felt as if the Lord was saying that this was not a time to be silent. This is an hour to make our voices heard, to be very courageous and bold (with wisdom). God is listening. He desires to hear our courageous voices proclaiming His Word, that we become living testaments of His truth:

“You who dwell in the gardens, the companions listen for your voice – let me hear it!” (Song of Solomon 8:13)

It is time to speak and shout and let our voices be heard. It is time to LIVE but to live as ones who have perished, who do not love our lives so much as to be afraid of death (see Revelation 12). Dead men don’t fear, dead men don’t get offended. Dead men become fully alive in Christ! Jesus said that if we were willing to lose our lives we would gain it!

Get Your Containers of Glory Ready!

We have been a new time to run a race of strength. It is time to run with all our might; time to live, time to speak, time to write if you are called to write; time to start that business, time to sing that song. It is time to truly live like we have never lived before. Time for our God-ordained container, representing our life’s vision and call, to come forth. There are many unique containers, designed specifically to fit our portion of the harvest.
Ask God, “What is my container? What is its structure, its dynamics, its purpose in the harvest?” God is trying to break through our old mindsets to conform and transform us to see and understand in new ways. He wants us to have the renewed mind of Christ to meet the challenges of the harvest with innovative and creative containers of glory. He is shaking things that are stagnant and old that cannot serve Him in this distinctive hour.

A container is a vessel created for the transportation of goods – your particular goods reflecting your light that has come (see Isaiah 60:1). A container can be a stationary vessel, or it can be adapted to many modes of transportation: road, sea, air or cyberspace. Your container is both you and the framework or mode through which your particular goods are delivered. You are a container of God’s glory, carrying the treasures, goods and supplies of the Kingdom to a parched Earth. You are an exceptional vessel, with a specialized call and a matchless container God has fashioned just for you. Let your light shine, let your container fulfill its call in preparing the highway for our God!

“Listen! It’s the voice of someone shouting, ‘Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD! Make a straight highway through the wasteland for our God!'” (Isaiah 40:3 NLT)

Faith Marie Baczko, Executive Director
Headstone Ministries International | Schools of The Last Wine

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