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Breakthrough Word for February 2020

The Father says today, “There is a sea change coming upon the earth. The eyes of all humanity will turn and be riveted not on what man is doing but upon My hand at work in the affairs of nations. Those for whom My name is a slander and a byword will once again be confronted by My sovereignty,” says the Father. “I will make it abundantly clear that I remove leaders and I set up leaders and give wisdom to wise and deep understanding to those that seek My mind and cry out for My direction for their lives.

Sweeping Repentance in United States and Western Europe

“I am sending a sweeping repentance movement upon the land,” says the Father. “I will move in the United States and Western Europe as I did in the days of Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival. Business as usual will grind to a halt, as men once again turn and seek Me; and when they seek Me, they will find Me, and I will heal their backsliding and remember their nation and restore their land and their fortunes as at the first.

“The streets of New York City will resound with anthems of praise to My name,” says the Father. “The Capital Mall in Washington D.C. will fill with intercessors who will call out My name, and I will show signs in the Lincoln Memorial and wonders on the Washington Memorial. Cameras will point and helicopters will buzz but they will have no answers for what they see – other than our God has come and He has made Himself known in the land of Lincoln and of Washington once again.

“I will rain down righteousness,” says the Father, “and I will raise up the banner on which the words will be emblazoned: “Grace, Grace unto It.”

In the streets of London will be seen bold preachers, as in days of old, who will thunder with themes of righteousness and verity before their God. The pubs will empty and the counting houses will stand idle as a wave of My Spirit, brought about by My sovereign hand, will manifest in the land of Whitefield and Wesley. There will come, in the United Kingdom, a new day of souls awakened and hearts converted to the cause of Christ.

A Decade of Prayer, Miracles, Signs and Wonders

“I say to My people: Stand upon your watch,” says the Father, “for this is the year of as in Heaven so on Earth. Stand upon your watch,” says the Father, “for I have called this a Decade of Prayer. As you intercede and as you call upon Me, I will upend the agenda of the enemy and I will turn the hardest hearts to the wisdom of the just. Stadiums will be filled not with idle onlookers but with men and women, young people and children, ready to make an unqualified surrender to the claims of Christ.

“The ministry of the evangelist is coming to the forefront once again,” says God. “Signs and wonders, miracles and great healings will take place in public places that cannot be ignored or marginalized in any way. The elite among the media will be laughed to scorn and sit shamefaced, unable to explain the things they see and the things they are reporting on. They will be unable to answer the wave of My Spirit that will reach even into their ranks, with even more bombshell revelations. Many media personalities will turn to Me and be converted. In unprecedented repentance and contrition, they will say they cannot speak the words of men any longer; they must speak the words of God.

“It’s a new day,” says the Father, “and I call you up to the initiatives of My Kingdom. I will pour you out of the church houses and send you to the lost, and those who once mocked and gainsaid every word out of your mouth will now listen with sobriety, and they will respond with humility.

Ready Your Altars

“Ready your altars,” says the Father. “Let the altars be restored to My house once again, for I will fill the altars with those who have sat for years in self-satisfaction, for they will come to a sudden realization that they are undone and need a Savior.

“The accouterments of church as entertainment will be laid aside, and a new and hushed sobriety will be witnessed among My people. My name will be heard where once only the names of political figures and luminaries of entertainment were named. A fresh Pentecost will come, and cities that have had epidemic murder rates and epidemic suicide and drug addiction problems will become paragons of revival and evangelistic fervor such as has not been seen since this nation was founded,” says the Father.

“This is the work that I will do, and it is your privilege, and your responsibility to pray into it!” says God.

Russ Walden
Father’s Heart Ministry

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