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Fresh Oil and Dynamic Upgrades for 2017!

Two of the themes that the Lord has brought before me for this year is the flow of Fresh Oil, bringing us through the door of purpose, and the Dynamic Upgrades that are available to the people of God!

The upgrades are an invitation to step into a higher level of function, revelation, alignment, and living. The Lord is upgrading His people on a corporate level as well as individual levels. We must realize that God is enlarging us internally before He expands us externally. There is a deep work happening on the inside!

Five Areas of Upgrade:

1. Relationships – There are next level people being assigned to your life! Look for them, recognize them and relate to them.

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but a companion of fools will be destroyed. Prov. 13:20

2. Understanding – Uncommon wisdom and revelation is being unveiled to the people of God. Many churches, ministries and leaders are being invited up higher (eagle perspective) to see and know.

Through wisdom is a house built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms will be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Prov. 24:3-4

3. Finances – God has financial upgrades for His people. This is part of Kingdom living – moving in supernatural resourcing and abundance.

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the Lord be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. Ps. 35:27

4. Favor – Favor is the hinge upon which the door to Upgrade swings. Look for uncommon favor with key people. Doors of appointment and promotion are swinging open!

So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:4

5. Function (the High Call) – There is an invitation to align with purpose. This is a corporate work as the Body hears the word of the Lord and recalibrates. This is a time of divine calibration. It is also an individual work as Believers shift into higher levels of function. We are coming into the pinnacle of purpose and must press beyond the low places. Not just partial function but UTMOST function – moving up higher.

I press toward the goal to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:14

A Year of Fresh Oil

This is a year of Fresh Oil bringing God’s people through the doorways! I heard the Lord say, “Oily Alignments.” As you progress in your mandate, look for the alignments that produce oil and heavenly residue. Where there is no oil there is friction and pain! You have to withdraw from alignments that cause friction and press into the ones that release oil! If there is no oil, there is no alignment.

Apostolic leaders are being asked to uncap oil wells in the spirit, to remove the plug, the earth and the flesh, and to drill deep. They are also being asked to directly engage the religious spirit and to teach people in order to renew their minds and bring them onto a higher level of believing and understanding. There is a mantle of revelation being cast. It is the revelation realm that will help to dismantle the structures, systems and theology of religious spirits in regions and in the hearts of people. I decree the release of FRESH BREAD!

I see the oil wells erupting! Just as in the natural an oil well provides, there is provision in the oil! These wells will bring new levels of favor, insight, and increase. The wells will unlock the upgrade. Part of the corporate upgrade is in the area of revelation; people need to know more in order to believe and function on a higher level.

The Hubs cannot just be a place of encounter; they must be places of very intentional teaching, training and equipping. They are places that form a culture, which creates a climate and produces sustained momentum.

The Rise of the Samuels

There is a prophetic generation arising that not only releases the Word of the Lord, but shifts the land! There is a maturing coming to the prophetic as a generation fills their horns with oil – not to become the next great voice but to anoint what has been overlooked. The rise of prophetic equippers is upon us.

Kings Amongst Sons

The Lord is raising up those who have had a pure heart and remained faithful even in the mist of rejection, bruises and wounds. Samuel went searching for David! He was a king amongst the sons. There is an elevation for those who have been faithful in spite of the opposition and rejection. The Samuels will anoint and release the kings.

David’s heart kept the oil flowing. The prideful and corrupt heart of Saul abandoned the pathway of obedience and engaged in rebellion. He was anointed because of his humility and surrender. When he stopped obeying, the flow of oil ceased and God raised up a new leader.

Self-reliance is toxic in the things of God. It is those who have deep commitment to the voice of God and the walk of surrender that will carry the strongest flow of oil. The oil is not ours, we did not create it, we are not to control it. We are to release it! Freely you have received, and freely you must give.

The Lord is inviting the ekklesia into an oily place. He is calling us to the tabernacle to encounter glory. There are glory encounters for regions, they have been planned in Heaven, and are waiting on obedient vessels to unlock them on planet earth.

The New England region has been called dry and desolate, yet the wells of revival are waiting to be tapped! Recently the Lord showed me a river of joy and healing sweeping through Connecticut! I believe that He is releasing the oil in that region.

Religious spirits have capped the oil wells. It is time to uncap them! Radical warriors kick the religious spirits out and give birth to the move of God.

Release the Oil

Apostolic leaders who think they control the flow of oil are drying up and their influence is diminishing. God is releasing an oily generation to do exploits. David burst forth at a young age and defeated the biggest giant in the land. We must follow the pathway of David and align our hearts with the oil, not with our own ideas. Saul constricts the flow! Saul thinks he owns the oil. There are people who will burst forth rapidly and be promoted because of the level of oil that they are carrying.

I saw a picture of doors and people lodged in the doorway. They were stuck at the entry point to another dimension, then all of a sudden the oil began to flow! When they had oil, they easily slid through the door. The Lord is saying that, “As the oil is released, you will get through things that you were previously unable to endure. You will come into places, realms, upgrades and experiences that were locked up to you before. The oil brings you out and the oil brings you in!!! Receive the oil—be unlocked—be empowered.”

For a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Corinthians 16:9

Now when I came to Troas for the Gospel of Christ and when a door was opened for me in the Lord. 2 Corinthians 2:12

I See Custom Blends of Oil

There is oil that has been prepared, seasoned, and mixed perfectly for the task at hand. The oil contains a unique combination of ingredients and this represents the needed graces and gifts. God is joining together apostolic ministry teams with powerful gift mixes. He is assigning people to flow in unusual combinations of gifts. He is releasing fresh oil! America is being set up for an explosive move of fire and glory.

The healing and miracle ministry is coming to the forefront with a fresh wave of miracles ministers. They carry the strong oil of the miraculous. The prophetic ministry is coming forth with the oil of intimacy. The greatest prophetic expression in the earth is the one that reveals the very heart of Jesus towards His people!

I see the glory of God coming to the forefront. The Lord is fixing the gaze of an emerging generation of leaders on the glory of God! They will run after the heart and fragrance of God! Their faces are set upon Him. They are people of pursuit. They are called to declare and demonstrate His glory to the nations! They cannot function in systems and programs without presence; they have been chosen to carry the oil! They are wearing garments of glory.

They shun the applause and criticism of man, instead choosing to embrace the glory. Just as in the Old Testament when God wanted to meet with His people, He brought them into glory. He desires to do that now, in this hour. He wants to reveal His glory to America and to the nations. The presence generation is carrying an unusual quality of rich oil that carries healing, deliverance, pure prophetic power, rich emotional healing and deep presence! The oil is coming forth in abundance for those who will place great value upon it.

I see new strategies, assignments and paradigms going forth in the glory!!! In the thick fog of His presence uncommon wisdom is coming forth! A generation is being mantled in glory and entrusted with custom oil! Now, go and anoint the nations.

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the seas. Hab. 2:14

Ryan LeStrange, Pastor & Founder
Impact International Ministries/Ryan LeStrange Ministries

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