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Paul said, “Christ in you” is “the hope of glory” (Colossians 2:2).

This truth means more than “Christ in you is the hope of going to heaven.” It means that the Christ who died FOR you is the Christ who died AS you so that when He died ? you died.

There is a “glory” in you that you may be missing. Your old man is dead and buried but you have a “new” man inside. In your spirit.

Your born-again spirit has the nature of Christ ? the very glory of God is woven into your new nature. Believers are “partakers of the divine nature.”

As a born again Christian, the “inside you” is different than you think you are. David saw it when he said ? “The king’s daughter is all glorious within” (Psalms 45:13).

When we judge ourselves rightly, we are agreeing with what God says.

He says that the OLD you is dead and buried. He says that in Christ you ARE a “new” creature. Not in some abstract way, but in a literal way ? your spirit man is remade by the breath of God into a divine substance.

You are “born from above” in your spirit. Your mind, memory, thinking, feelings, habits may still be in the PROCESS of renewal BUT God sees who you really are.

You recognize the “term” Christian. But think of it this way: a “Christ”- ian. Dare I say what the first century understood by the term Christian: “a little Christ.” You may be mature or adolescent but He sees you as His own seed. Partakers of Christ. His nature.

Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix movie: “I’m trying to FREE YOUR MIND” as he trained him to discover his actual identity as “the one” who would challenge the “matrix”, the “agents”, and the programmers, changing everything for his generation.

Morpheus, like the Holy Spirit in this example, represents the one who knows your real identity. See yourself with Heaven’s eyes and you will see that Christ in YOU wants to become Christ manifesting THROUGH you. But YOU MUST SAY YES TO HIM to manifest this identity into reality.

There will be an End Time company that does this very thing. Nature itself awaits the manifestation of the sons of God. A company of those who grow up into Him. The potential is in us now. The latter rain will cause the seed to mature quickly.

Who do you see when you look in the mirror? What do you see about your identity in His Words? How can we get our souls and bodies to line up with this new reality?

Assignment: SHARE this message with your Facebook community, print out for co-workers, share with family over dinner. Thousands of Christians need this truth. Imagine the Killer Sheep that will arise once they recognize their TRUE identity!


? Lance –