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Hell Is Trembling! Why Is the Enemy So Afraid of the Black Community?

The attack on Black America in 2020, by the enemy, has been intense. The tragic death/murder of George Floyd is a trigger for outrage – but his death is just an example of what has gone on in a much wider scale. His last cry of, “I can’t breathe” speaks also into the general agenda of the enemy through the COVID-19 as well.

The Black community has been disproportionately targeted. COVID-19 deaths among Blacks are about three times the average rate. The deaths associated with COVID-19 are deaths marked by, “I can’t breathe.” The economic fallout has also hit the Black community at a much higher rate affecting their economic ability “to breathe.” All in all, there is a frenzied and desperate demonic assault on Black America. But why?

What Is the Enemy Afraid Of?

More often than not, their churches are forced to be closed, yet somehow abortion clinics in their neighborhoods remain open for business. The breath of the unborn Black children is being attacked. What is the enemy afraid of? Why the diabolic targeting of Black America? 
Perhaps it is because, as a people group, they have the highest percentage of Christians at about 80%. Perhaps somebody in Hell has gained insight on a decree from Heaven declaring “beauty for ashes” for the Black community. Perhaps there is a great concern in Hell because of what might have been released during this most recent historic Pentecost through Black America. Yes to all of the above and more.

William J. Seymour: Rise Up, History Makers!

Hell was totally surprised and unprepared for what the Holy Spirit unleashed in a small Black church, in a poor Black community, through a one-eyed Black man named William J. Seymour some 115 years ago. In the greatest release of the Holy Spirit since the book of Acts, the Azusa Street Revival unleashed a move of the Holy Spirit that now includes over 700 million people – or almost 1 in every 10 on the planet. The world is a different world because of that move of God.

Today, Hell is trembling at what the Holy Spirit is about to give to and release through the Black community. The breath of the Holy Spirit is coming to and through Black America and they are going to release such a powerful light of God into this nation, and the world, that it will shock everyone. 

Voices of freedom, voices of reconciliation, and voices of reformation are about to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to lead us to a new day.

Even as the enemy attempts to sow a race war, watch the courage and spirit of His anointed ones in the Black community. Hell is about to experience another big surprise.

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