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In March Through May God is Tipping the Vials of Prayer!

Are you excited about the big things Father has in store for you? If so, right now is a kairos (opportune) time in which you can see more and more outrageous answers—but it’s up to you.

The Lord impressed upon my heart recently that the months of March through May are a time when He is tipping the vials of prayer that have ascended up to Him for a very long time. These months, for many, will be a final push toward the birthing of blessings long stored up for you. Therefore, for the months of March, April, and May, the Lord told me to set aside extra time to do business with Him in the prayer closet.

Enter Your Prayer Closet in March, April and May

I have taken this word to heart, and am already seeing the manifestation of things I have been praying for the last 5-15 years. But I believe this is a word for all of us. We are all to make extra effort to do business with God over the next three months. It is a particularly fertile time to receive answers to prayers, for Father has been setting many things aright and preparing ground that is now ready for harvest.

Why else does He need us to do business with Him? For three reasons (which I share below):

1. God has given mankind dominion over the earth. Therefore, we have the authority to release Him to work when we pray. God has never violated the free will that He gave humankind. And He has given dominion over the earth to men and women, boys and girls.

Psalm 8:4-8 says: “What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen—even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas.”

God does not violate authority. He sits above it, and He judges men when they abuse the authority given to them; and His hierarchy of authority is not the same as we often think it is. (For instance, prayers carry higher authority than leaders’ decisions, and so God can turn the hearts of leaders in response to prayer.) However, He does not violate the authority He has given us. To do so would be a violation of our free will. Understanding how Kingdom authority works is absolutely essential if you want to walk in the supernatural.

2. Why authority and dominion matter in our prayer closets: It matters because God has given dominion over the earth to men. Therefore, if we want Him to move on the earth, we must ask. History is full of stories of God moving when there was prayer. If we want God to move, we must pray.

Prayer Opens Doors and Provides a Way Where There Seems to Be No Way

Father is so serious about our prayer assignment that He actually gave us the Helper to help us pray! The Holy Spirit of grace and supplication has several specific jobs, but one of them is to move through us in prayer. Romans 8:26-27 says:

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God.”

Even Jesus came as a baby in response to prayer and intercession. God had told us that it was His will to send the Messiah, and dedicated lovers of God prayed for the Deliverer to come for thousands of years. We have dominion over the earth. If we desire to see God move on the earth, we must pray.

3. God has always desired to converse and even reason with mankind. God desires the best for us now. Even if some things are stored up for the future, I believe they can be pulled into the present by the prayer of faith. Also, even if we actually deserve discipline from our Father, His mind can be changed. If you don’t believe it, think about Mary, the mother of Jesus. She put a demand on Jesus with her faith at the wedding in Cana. Her hosts had no wine, and Jesus said that His hour had not yet come. However, when she told the servants to listen to Jesus and do whatever He said, she demonstrated an insistent faith so strong that her faith actually brought the miracles reserved for a future hour into the present. Mary changed God’s mind, and He rewarded her faith.

Pull on God Through Faith-Filled Prayers

Then remember Moses, who interceded before God for the lives of the children of Israel. It was God’s plan to wipe them out and raise up a new nation from the offspring of Moses. But Moses reasoned with God, and He changed His mind.

Think also of Abraham. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah deserved judgment, and God had come down in person to see their sin and carry out the judgment they deserved…but enter Abraham. The Lord stopped by Abraham’s tent to see His friend on the way to render judgment to the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham, moved with compassion, began to reason with God and God agreed not to carry out the judgment He intended to carry out if the conditions Abraham had required were met. They weren’t met, but did Abraham stop bargaining too soon? One has to wonder.

Think also of Jonah, preaching to Nineveh. According to Jonah 3:4, the word of the Lord was, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” But then the inhabitants of Nineveh repented in sackcloth and ashes and God stayed His hand. Mercy triumphs over judgment every time, if we will but cry out for mercy in faith.

Asking God for His Mercy Requires Us to Reason—to Do Business With God

Some people may object to my saying that we must reason with God. They object because, in many instances, reasoning can be an unholy thing. However, the problem with reasoning only arises if we think that our reasoning is the same as God’s reasoning, and therefore we give ourselves excuse to reason the way we think it should be done. In reality, our human reasoning may not look anything like God’s reasoning at all. Human reasoning can be a process of using our own train of thought to justify pride and exclude God from the equation.

God’s reasoning, by contrast, is a very different thing. The kind of reasoning that God encourages—yes, even requires—is for us to logically present His Word back to Him in prayer. Psalm 138:1-3, “I will praise You with my whole heart; before the gods I will sing praises to You. I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name for Your loving kindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your Word above all Your name. In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.”

When we reason with God His way, we search out the deep things of His Word to discover His will for our lives individually and for the whole earth. Then, we go boldly before God’s throne of grace as the kings over the earth that we are. From that position, we are to present our requests to Him with prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving—based on His own Word. When we pray God’s own Word back to Him, we have assurance that we will receive whatever we request.

1 John 5:14-15 tells us this: “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.”

So doing business with God means presenting His own will back to Him and insisting—no, demanding—that He carry out His will. We don’t need to wonder if it’s His time or not. It’s always His time for Him to do what He wants to do. It’s always His will to establish and expand His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, joy, and power on the earth and in your life personally. It’s always His will for you to ask—YES, FOR YOURSELF—for Jesus said: “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:24).

Father Specifically Desires Us to Ask, and He Intends to Give Us Joy With His Answers

Let this empower you! LOOK at the amazing and powerful potential in your hands! The God of the universe says that if YOU want to be blessed, YOU can ask and He will answer YOUR prayer! Do you see the power in that?

So use that as impetus to hit your knees. Use it as inspiration to seek God like never before. Jesus said that, without Him, we can do nothing. John 15:5 says: “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

This means you cannot live a holy life without His help. You cannot think rightly without His help. You cannot receive the physical, material, or financial provision you need without His help. You cannot open doors for yourself, and you cannot shut other doors for yourself. We are completely dependent on God. And right now, God is inviting us to do business with Him.

Of course, the doors to His throne are always open. However, the months of March, April, and May are an extremely fertile (I heard Holy Spirit whisper that word specifically, “fertile”) time for receiving serious answers to God resulting from business transactions you conduct with Him in prayer right now.

How will you respond? Will you set yourself apart to seek Him morning, noon, and night? Will you go boldly before His throne of grace, praying specific prayers and expecting specific answers? If you will, I believe you are about to see outrageous works of God established and manifested in your life. All glory be to Him!

Will you accept the challenge to do business with God on purpose over these next three months?

Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence

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