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Let me go straight to the point. There has never been a greater opportunity in US history of overturning of the law allowing the killing of innocent blood of babies. Yes I am referring about Roe vs Wade. The argument of protecting a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion using tax payers has resulted in more than 60 million killing of innocent babies since 1973 when the law was instated by the supreme court. Now the same supreme court with new judges has the best chance of overturning the previous decision and stop such cruel action against human life.

For those who are not born again believers, blind to the truth of God’s word will largely agree to continue such evil practice. This is expected due to human sinful nature. What is not expected and pathetic at the same time, is to find born again believers missing the opportunity of fighting against such evil law from hell.  To make it worse, several leaders of great Christian influence, teachers of the Word of God, prolific writers and speakers are chosing the easy path of doing nothing about it or giving ridiculous excuses, agreeing with the law of men instead of God’s law.

This act of stupidity reminds us of the foolish servant who received a talent from his master, and instead of investing it, chose the easy way and hided it (Mat 25:14).

Are we reading the same Bible? Is there an alternative truth to this matter of killing innocent blood?

Did God say “Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” Deut 30:19.  ?

Did God order to “…and let none of you devise or imagine or think evil against his brother in your heart.” Zechariah‬ ‭7:10‬ ‬‬. ?

Worse than even thinking evil against each other, people are actually killing an innocent brother or sister in the womb. 

Isn’t it written in the scriptures that instead of doing nothing  about a free talent received from the master “ …you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.” (Mat 25:27).? We can read that there is no permission for omission or space for crazy excuses either.

Today the “talent” that God has given to all of His children of this land is called “VOTE”. It is a seed of righteousness fought for centuries in wars, which must be sowed in order to harvest life for future generations.  The vote today is for life, for freedom and for what it is right. The vote is not about a beauty contest or  a personality contest or even who has the best character fit to be a president.

So what it is so obvious that many believers rather excuse themselves with a pathetic justification saying “he is not fit to be a president”  or “his personality is an issue for me to vote for him”.  If such vote was based on character, who knows many would not have voted to a pagan king  such as Cyrus (Is 45) or even a military commander  as Jeru (2 King 9)  king of Israel (northern kingdom ) . Both kings (unfit by many to be kings) were actually anointed by God and  destined to fulfill  their calling.

So what is it happening here? Why so much confusion among believers on what to do in this election? Is this an issue of the heart of believers?

Yes, I believe so and goes in line with what God says regarding Israel …“They made their hearts diamond-hard lest they should hear the law and the words that the Lord of hosts had sent by his Spirit through the former prophets. Therefore great anger came from the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah‬ ‭7:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Yes, pride and arrogance have blinded many  to see who God has anointed today to fight against the killing of innocent babies among  other key factors such as the freedom of religion, law and order and in favor of Israel.

Final word – The decision is personal. Do not blame others for our wrong doing.  As a reminder, those who do nothing are considered not to be hot nor cold, but lukewarm ready to be cast out from the presence of God. Let’s choose the narrow path of life  and do not allow to be deceived by the lies of the enemy of our soul in such a time as this.

Lance S Scates
Rivers of Judah Ministries