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Judgment Against the Python Spirit and a Word for Western Australia

As the prophet Daniel began seeking the Lord for his people, actually contending for them through prayer and fasting, the real source of their bondage was revealed. An angel appeared to Daniel saying, “…Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days…” (Daniel 10:12-13)

The Israelites were not only captive to the Babylonians, but their true captivity was to the ruling demonic spirit of the Babylonians, known as the Prince of Persia. That is until a prophet began to contend in prayer and fasting until Heaven released the answer. The answer first came in the form of Michael, the archangel, who was sent to fight in the spirit realm against the Prince of Persia.

“Prophesy to the people, the land, the air, the sea, and all the creatures. Prophesy to everything that looks dead. Prophesy to the next generations.”

Then, as the prophet Jeremiah foretold, King Cyrus of Persia actually released the exiles after their 70 years of captivity to return to their homeland to rebuild their city and temple. Keep in mind that their physical captivity was first a spiritual one, but once the matter was dealt with in the spirit realm, the answer then showed up in the physical realm.

Know this: like Daniel, God has heard your cries for freedom. You’ve wept, you’ve cried out loud, you’ve lamented, grieved, suffered, and agonized before the Lord. “Why this bondage? Why this death? Where is the deliverance You’ve promised? When will You pour out Your Spirit on us?”

Understand that your battle is first a spiritual one before it is a physical one. And for many, your battle is actually a battle with the “gods” of the land (see Ex. 12:12), which require you to receive a clear promise and divine strategy from the Lord to overcome. It’s not just an individual problem, but it’s about where you are located and what is happening spiritually in your city and region.

I Was Attacked By a Python Spirit

Prophetic intercessors will often be sent into a territory to bring deliverance and healing to the land. When I say the word “land,” I’m referring to cities, regions, and nations. Land must be delivered from territorial spirits, such as Daniel’s Prince of Persia, and freed from the effects of iniquity committed by its current residents and from previous generations (see Lev. 26:40-42).

By definition, iniquity is different than sin and transgression. We transgress because of our sin nature, and this is comparable to doing something in the moment such as lying, not honoring authority, breaking the speed limit, etc.

Iniquity is more deeply rooted, however, in that it is premeditated and intentional with no plan to repent. King David committed iniquity with Bathsheba, for example. Iniquity also brings a curse on the land and empowers demonic principalities to continue their siege of terror and bondage against the land’s residents.

You’ll see and experience the impact of this physically, but its origin is in the spiritual realm. That is until the Church, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, stands in the gap to repent for the iniquity of land, both present and past, which begins the chain reaction in the spiritual realm to “heal the land” (see 2 Chron. 7:14).

This is what I experienced as I prepared to minister at a prophetic conference at Paradox Church in West Australia. A few weeks prior to the event, I noticed I wasn’t feeling that well but didn’t think too much about it. Just days before I was scheduled to fly out, however, I ended up in the emergency room in the middle of the night unable to breathe.

Long story short, I recognized that my physical issue was actually a spiritual issue and that I was being attacked by a python spirit. This spirit does a lot of evil things, but a few characteristics of this kind of attack against you is to squeeze the life out of you, suffocate you, constrict you, confine you, and to tightly restrict you into a maddening frustration.

Think of how a python snake behaves in the natural and you’ll get the picture. It also fiercely attacks both prayer and the prophetic, both of which are the antithesis of a python spirit because they breathe the life of God into people and places.

We read about this spirit in Acts 16:16, “Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling.” The spirit of divination referred to in this text is actually a python spirit and historically believed to be the guardian spirit of the oracle of Delphi.

Fighting a Wagyl

“Iniquity also brings a curse on the land and empowers demonic principalities to continue their siege of terror and bondage against the land’s residents.”

As I researched the area that I was traveling to, and to my complete surprise, I learned that it had been dedicated to a python spirit from the start. It was referred to as a “Wagyl” and according to Noongar culture (an aboriginal tribe) is a snake-like creature believed to have created certain waterways around the Perth area and Western Australia.

This spirit was also reputed to appear in its snake form to certain tribal leaders at different points in their history. As I was dealing with this attack on my breathing and now coming into the Perth area, members of Paradox church and other like-minded intercessors were also being instructed by the Holy Spirit to intercede against this python spirit still at large in their territory. My assignment was being made crystal clear. I was being sent in to slay a “Wagyl” (see Psalm 149:8-9).

The first night of the conference. I made a simple altar call just to test this all out. “If you can’t breathe, feel restricted, confined, and suffocated, please come to the front for prayer!” Enough people responded to confirm that I was on the right track and we did see a certain level of deliverance begin that night.

The following morning, I spoke at their regional intercessors meeting and didn’t hold back. “The Holy Spirit is instructing us to put a death order on this spirit in the court of prayer. God is judging this spirit, using us to do so, and it begins now.” Keep in mind that I never do these things flippantly or carelessly. I had already been attacked so viciously, that I would never take this kind of action against a territorial spirit unless I was sure I had heard His directives about the matter and with plenty of confirmations.

We went ahead and made the decree which went something like this, “We decree judgment against the python spirit according to the word of the Lord and we decree according to Psalm 148:7 that the serpent will praise the Lord.” In other words, everything this spirit has impacted will eventually serve as an occasion for praise to Almighty God.

We then went into a time of intense repentance and the power of the Holy Spirit began to move in unusually deep and powerful levels the rest of the weekend. He was truly honoring our words and we felt a tremendous shift take place. The rest of the conference I began to teach, activate, and release the prophetic because I knew that was the counter measure needed to replace the effects of the python spirit.

Prophetic Word for Western Australia:

God is turning everything around for good! You are being loosed from demonic constrictions, confinements, and restrictions. Everything this serpent has bound will be turned into praise to Almighty God. Your lungs will expand with His praise! With very loud and beautiful praise! Your song will go around the world. Your testimony will encourage the earth. The voice of the apostles and prophets, the voice of the Church, will be loud, beautiful, and resonating.

Your prophets are being surfaced now, and coming out of hiding to be revealed for the gifts that they really are. The Church will be made strong, being built up by the power of the Holy Spirit. I hear the sound of prayer throughout the territory. Intercessors are rising up out of the dust. It’s time for the Church to prophesy to literally everything!

Prophesy to the people, the land, the air, the sea, and all the creatures. Prophesy to everything that looks dead. Prophesy to the next generations. See in the Spirit your next 100 years and call it forth. Dream as big as you can and then exaggerate it even further. He will reveal His glory to you and the deep pleasure of His countenance. Arise and shine West AU! His glory is coming upon you.

Jennifer Eivaz, Executive Pastor
Harvest Christian Center, Turlock, CA

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