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Prepare for a New Reformation!

The Lord spoke to me recently that the global Body of Christ is crossing the threshold into a new reformation! This reformation will bring about a badly needed paradigm shift in modern Christianity, and will refocus the Church to have their eyes on Jesus only.

Reformation happens when someone is not afraid to call out the current system and challenge it to help bring people into freedom and truth. This is precisely what Jesus did, and what many who have come after Him and in His name have done.

What to Expect

After the Protestant Reformation happened, we saw the reintroduction of the Holy Spirit and His works, and a booming missionary movement spring forth. Following this, we saw numerous revivals and movements breaking out across the world from the mid 1700s through the 2000s. Whether it was the Evangelical Revival, Voice of Healing revivals, the Word of Faith movement, the Prophetic Awakening, the Apostolic Reformation or the Grace Awakening, each movement was a piece of the puzzle. What puzzle, you ask? The full counsel of God. The Lord has shown me that we are at a time in history where much of the full counsel of God has been and is being restored to His Church.

In this new reformation, all of the cards will be on the table. We will be able to chew the meat (what God did), and spit out the bones (what men added). When this full picture comes into view, we will see a glorious picture of Jesus Christ pointing back to Himself, and it will shake the foundations of modern Christianity.

This reformation will take the focus off of the gift, and put it back on Jesus. This reformation will be a revival of Christocentric Christianity that is so pure, that the early Church would recognize us as one and the same. There will be a resurgence of Holy Spirit led discipleship in this new reformation, and many will be pastors in their neighborhoods and communities.
Lastly, God will raise up what He described to me as, “Five-fold sons and daughters.” These will be sons and daughters of the Most High, not as concerned with titles as much as they are concerned with the hearts of men and connecting them to the heart of God. They will jump between function and offices as Jesus did to fill whatever need there may currently be in the Body. They will not be limited to just one title or office.

Who are the Reformers?

God gave me a dream along with this word, and in the dream I saw thousands and thousands of Millennials worshipping God in spirit, truth and happy holiness. This was not limited to a certain age group, but each reformer represented a Millennial. They were not afraid to stand up to man-made religion, nor were they hesitant of shattering the lies that many believe about God.

When I awoke, I saw Acts 14:1-3 before me, which confirmed the dream:

“At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Greeks believed. But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the other Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers. So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of His grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders.”

These reformers will love the world enough to dine with them and be Jesus to them, and love the Church enough to challenge what must change. They will be a people of joy. Nothing will be impossible for them!

Are You Ready?

This word has been burning in my spirit, and our team is more passionate than every about seeing these things come to pass. So let me ask you, will you be a reformer? Are you prepared for this new reformation?

Rob Radosti
Kingdom Dwellers International

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