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The Camels Are Coming! Great Is Your Reward

The Camels Are Coming!

On July 7, 2019, I woke up to a dream where I heard the Lord’s audible voice saying, “The camels are coming, the camels are coming, the camels are coming!”

Upon hearing the Lord’s voice, I woke up with incredible joy and great anticipation. By the third time I heard the Lord’s voice saying, “The camels are coming,” I had a clear vision. I saw a city that was desolate, a desert city filled with people. I was within its city gates, which were in ruin. The Lord had me pay close attention to those who lived there and the layout of the city’s land.

Its buildings had suffered destruction and the land was scarce, yet the people were filled with great anticipation and joy. I understood very plainly that they chose to worship and trust the Lord during their trials and the Holy Spirit was saying, “Great was their reward.”
As I prayed regarding what I saw, I felt the Lord impress upon my spirit that these were His favorite ones. Among these people I sensed such a deep love and honor for each other and the Lord’s ways. Because of this, their desolate surroundings did not affect nor taint their focus on their Lord and Savior, and they kept their joy!

At the same time that I was taking all of this in, I could hear in the near distance the pounding of hooves upon the ground. As I turned toward the sound, I saw a large herd of camels running into the city gates.

As soon as the camels entered the city gates they came to a stop and waited for the supplies they carried to be taken by the beautiful people that dwelled there. The camels knew what was expected of them. The people then tended to the camels afterward with great care. Each camel had a double-sided supply pack filled to overflowing with gold coins, jewels and riches of various kinds.

What amazed me was when the Lord pointed out that not one piece of the riches had been lost in the camels’ journey. These camels were dromedary camels, and they had come from far off. The Lord made it clear to me that He had sent them and had supplied the riches they carried to His people. He made sure that nothing was lost in the journey.

As I waited on the Lord, I knew in my spirit that this supply of riches was about to be poured out upon His people. I began to worship the Lord and thank Him for what He had just shared with me. I knew the He wanted me to share this message for this Hebrew New Year, 5780.

Resources to Repair Our City Walls and Bless the Nations

While in prayer regarding this dream, I heard the Lord saying, “My people, you have lived long in the desert. I have seen your cities in ruins and heard your cries and received your worship. I have sent My camels to deliver to you all that I have promised. With this supply you will not lack to re-build the desolate places, to repair the breach within your city walls. And as you obey what I say to do, I will bless the works of your hands. I am delivering you who put your trust in Me, while suffering in obscurity and uncertainty.”

Precious saints, we are going to see restoration of many dreams the Lord gave us.

As the Lord pours out His abundant supply of provision upon His people in this new year, the directives the Lord has given us over the years will be fulfilled. We are going to have resources to repair our cities, to be a blessing to our cities and those in it, and to provide those who put their hands to the plow and bring the harvest in.

I received this Scripture regarding my dream as I waited on the Lord:
“And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, ‘The repairer of the breach,’ ‘The restorer of paths to dwell in.'” (Isaiah 58:12)

The Lord is saying, “My people will have the plunder of the wicked. I am turning over to them these riches so they may be blessed and be a blessing to the nations.”

As I continued to intercede, I heard the Lord say, “I am releasing to them what is theirs now. Provision will come in many forms and in unexpected ways.”
I saw debts supernaturally canceled. Job opportunities, promotions, new business partnerships and new business ventures. Those who have struggled with red tape, know that it is being removed so you can move forward. There will be money handed to people at their doorsteps with food and necessities provided too. There will be money placed in hands, money found and won, and inheritances of land, homes, businesses and finances given to us.

It will be unexplainable so that no man can take credit, and we will give praise and credit to the Lord for what He has done. God is giving it to those who can be trusted to do what He is saying to do with it. These riches are for sharing. These riches are for building and accomplishing what the Lord has instructed us to do. Yes, Lord! Amen!

Why Camels?

One thing I asked the Lord was this: “Why were the camels highlighted to me in this vision?” He then shared with me that camels were a source of wealth to the Biblical patriarchs.

It says in Genesis 12:16, “He (the pharaoh of Egypt) treated Abram well for her sake, and Abram acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, male and female servants, and camels” (emphasis added).

The Bible shows that the wealthy patriarchs of old had camels, such as Abraham and Job. The releasing of this patriarchal wealth is the Lord honoring His obedient ones.

Also, take note, people; the world will see that it is the Lord making the way for us, and the outpouring of wealth is because of Him, our Lord and Savior, and not because of man and or of man. Glory to God! The great transfer of wealth began at the head of this New Year 5780, and the Lord is strengthening and preparing us for the days to come.

The Lord does nothing by coincidence and the messages from Him are both practical and mysterious. As I continued to intercede for this message I received the Scripture below regarding this word. The release of the transfer of wealth is upon us! The Lord says this to His people:
“The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.” (Deuteronomy 28:13)

The Significance of the Hebrew Year 5780

I am a little familiar with the Hebrew Aleph-bet, so I asked my friend who knows Hebrew well to confirm what the Lord was showing me about this year. There are many messages that I received but the one I saw the Lord emphasize the most was this one:
The year of 5780 contains the Hebrew letter “pey” (“pey” carries the numerical value of 80). It represents a mouth, the mouthpiece of the body, giving us the ability to speak. The Holy Spirit had me pay attention to “pey,” and I found that it follows the letter “ayin,” which represents sight.

The Lord is instructing us that we are to see first and than speak what the He is saying. “And the LORD answered me: ‘Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it” (Habakkuk 2:2).

We are being instructed to echo the Word of God by declaring the Scriptures throughout the land so that everyone can hear it – wherever we are. We are to write the vision that the Holy Spirit has and is giving us in this season and make it plain. We who read are to be encouraged and “run” with His message and also be a courier of that message, delivering it to everyone. Please pay attention, saints, “run” is an action word.

His “Mouths” Will Be Heard

The Lord is also saying that His prophetic voices will come to the forefront of the Church. The “mouths” of the prophets will be heard by both the saved and the unsaved.

The prophets that are called are to prepare, to exhort, to warn, to encourage and to edify the Bride. Across the globe there will be many raised up to be heralds for the Lord and run with the message. They will have similar messages through and through. His Bride will already know of this and these messages will be confirmations.
The Lord has impressed upon me that in this year, many of us will learn in a greater degree to be still. In being quiet we will discern what the Holy Spirit is saying before His prophets speak, then we will run with the message that was given to us.

The Lord is also revealing His wisdom through His Bride, as it is written in Ephesians 3:10:
“His intent was that now, through the Church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.”

We will see both the physical and spiritual manifestation of this over time as the Church grows in unity.

Choosing Honor and Unity

As I sat and waited on the Lord for this message, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that choosing honor in this hour is critical to our going forward. In order for us to accomplish what the Lord has set before us, as we receive His abundant supply, we must work together in unity.

“A song of ascents. Of David. How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1)

Saints, we each have our part to do. In this time, I encourage you to quickly say and do whatever the Lord is directing you in. We each have an important part, just like the Word says:
“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” (1 Corinthians 13:9-11)

We each are a piece, and together we are the Bride of Christ. What a blessing. Therefore be encouraged; in this season we will grow in the carefulness of our words. We are in the year of declaring, so declare only life. There are many of us being prompted by the Holy Spirit about this. I say, “Run, Beloved of God, run!”

During the time that I sought the Lord regarding this prophetic word, I repented of any and all words that proceeded out of my mouth that were not of Him. Church, we are in a wonderful time of witnessing the Word of God coming to pass on many levels, so rise up in the name of our Lord, Jesus!

Keep our accounts short; ask for forgiveness if need be. The principle of sowing and reaping is true, therefore let’s repent if we have stepped outside of the Lord’s holy parameters of our words, thoughts and deeds. We can because He did it for us first.

We must remain a vessel of honor for the Lord so that we, as messengers of the Lord, teachers of the Word, and ministers of the Holy Spirit, may deliver the pure message of God, making the restoration of our brother our priority, and so that all those who are lost may become saved by our witness.

The blessings of obedience are well written out in Deuteronomy 28. Throughout the Scriptures the Lord emphasizes in His Word that obedience brings blessings.

What are we being prepared for? The ability to display our heavenly Father’s plan and bring Him the glory He deserves upon the earth; to use the resources He is giving us to build His Kingdom, and to go about doing our Father’s business here until He returns.
Saints, we are in such an exciting time. I pray this message is an encouragement to many and a confirmation of what the Lord is saying. God Bless you.

Christianna Schreifels

Christine Vales Ministries 


Elijah List Publications 

528 Ellsworth St. SW

Albany, OR 97321 


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