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The Power and Purpose of Alignment

Since the foundation of the world, the power and purpose of alignment has been key for all balance in creation. It has been established not according to the wisdom of this world, but from the will and wisdom of God. All misalignment results from sin, which seeks to bring adjustment, but it will never last forever. Only one thing will never be shaken or removed? the Word of the One who created all things. His word has the power to sustain itself for all eternity. The word that was with God was God, made into flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is perfectly aligned with the purpose and power predestined by the Father before the foundations of this world to shine the light in the darkness. All the earth and heaven will pass away, and a new heaven and earth will emerge in the end times according to His eternal word. This new creation will be inhabited this time by the creator Himself with His family of children in perfect alignment with His word of everlasting glory and power.

The word alignment comes from the latin root word linea (“line, thread”)[i]. It is also has the meaning of “path”. The human body is a perfect example of how important the alignment is between the head, neck and the spinal cord. Since human health is totally dependent on how brain, as the central post of command, chemical signals called neurotransmitters need clear path. These neurotransmitters are certain chemical messengers that help us to think, fell and move in our bodies. In addition, they are totally dependent on a clear “path” of communication throughout the whole body. Their importance is so great that virtually impacts everything such as the physical, cognitive and even emotional activity. [ii]

In case of any deformation, trauma, stress or malnutrition to the body, the level of neurotransmitters is greatly affected. Unfortunately, this can even start at birth, caused by instruments like forceps used to pull the baby out of the womb. The risk of causing the smallest misalignment between the head and the spinal cord is enormous, where human behavior can potentially be impacted as well highly misunderstood especially by parents. In case of any reduction on the level of neurotransmitters, it automatically opens doors to numerous illnesses and diseases during life time, which inevitably leads to more stress as well as death acceleration as we know it.

Before the 1900s, it was discovered that spinal misalignment was associated with the cause of many health problems. The misalignment between the head, neck and spinal cord has its origin in many cases located at vertebra called C1, at the top of the cervical bone in the neck, key to sustain the head. Such unique vertebra is the only free detached bone of the human body that holds the secret of why and how most spinal misalignment can be adjusted to its perfect position. According to Dr. B. J. Palmer [iii], developer of chiropractic in the early 1900s, through many years of clinical research, discovered that vertebra C1 commonly named as Atlas was the key vertebra for the proper alignment. The Atlas is a single, 2 oz. donut-shaped vertebra at the top of the spine. In case of being out of its original position, it can potentially cause a negative chain reaction down the spinal cord. At least two serious consequences would take place in the human body: Body Imbalance and Distortion of Brain Messages to Different Parts of the Body[iv]. As the whole body, tends to compensate any millimeters of a dislocated atlas, unfortunately, it can cause nerves to be compressed in the spinal cord. Consequently, a chain of dysfunctional cells start to take place in the body with back pains and endless list of illnesses emerging with the most common one called degenerative disc disease.

In recent years, one of the most intriguing methods used for head, neck and spinal cord misalignment treatment has been done by the Atlas Orthogonal Percussion Adjustment Instrument (see more at ) There is no cracking or popping on this method like the traditional Chiropractic practices already known. It all starts with a split second of positioning the atlas to its proper location through a mechanical and magnetic device called Solenoid, placed behind the ear. When activated, it emits a sound impulse vibration, where the atlas is quickly moved in millimeter measurements to its place without any pain. Since human body has memory, as soon as the Atlas is moved, a chain reaction on the spinal cord unfolds throughout the whole body where nerves, muscles and bones are gradually readjusted to its proper alignment. This is not a “microwave” readjustment, but it is a new journey of several days of the body aligning itself into its proper balance. The results are surprising with back pains for instance gradually starting to disappear.

In conclusion, as alignment is important in the natural body, it is also much more important in a spiritual sense. As sin entered through the first Adam, causing misalignment against the wisdom of God, the second Adam has come to restore all things into alignment with His word. The fully man and fully God, Christ Jesus, in a split second, conquered death by the power of the Holy Spirit, giving eternal life to all who believes on Him. He is the head of His body of new born again believers who are being prepared for that day of His return – the great wedding day of the end times. As the body of Christ is being restored to its proper alignment as royal priesthood of God through true worship in spirit and truth, more sounds of praise are released over all the earth. Consequently, it causes a glorious chain reaction of the raising of the manifestation of matured sons and daughters of God of the end times. At the same time, the creation that has been groaning for centuries, are now more than ready to shout for joy as the fullness of the “Son” begins to rise on the horizon as a bright morning sun. As promised, the new creation takes place over the old, and the Kingdom of God, with the head and body of Christ aligned, reigns in justice, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit throughout all eternity. Amen!
