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Where Are My Shoes?

“Where are my shoes?? What hit my ear??”, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

We serve a living God who performs wonders daily! We truly live in times of great victories, even if we sometimes overlook them. These victories are happening more rapidly and clearly, and it’s crucial to have ears to hear and discernment to see. In this way, we will always be in awe, rejoicing in the God who works wonders daily!

One such wonder occurred recently during an assassination attempt on Trump’s life. After the attack, Trump may have asked what hit his ear. Soon after, amidst a commotion from the Secret Service trying to protect him, we heard a question, followed by a cry for justice: “Fight! Fight! Fight!” In such desperate times, he asked a peculiar question: “Where are my shoes?”

Here are some unusual facts that took place:

• One ear was hit by a bullet.
• The question, “Where are my shoes?”
• A brave cry of indignation: “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

We can hear the prophetic voice loud and clear! God had already revealed this attack to some prophets weeks, and even years before. So, the Lord is never caught by surprise!
We won’t delve into the depths of each occurrence, but I encourage you to explore God’s surprising ways!

Let’s start with a few interesting facts. What time exactly did the shooting occur? What does a pierced ear mean biblically? What does putting on shoes represent spiritually? Where did the voice of indignation and fight for justice come from?

First, let’s look at the time of the attack. The report of the investigation says it was exactly 6:11 p.m. In the mysteries of God, we can find a key ordinance for all of God’s children. In Ephesians 6:11, we read: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

More than ever, every son and daughter of God must put on the WHOLE armor of God, which includes the feet. In the walk of life, any offense or dissension between brothers opens gaps that prevent us from being fully clothed with the armor of God. The Apostle Paul gives the last key instruction to the brothers in Rome: “Now I urge you, brothers, mark those who cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them.” Romans 16:17.
There is much to obey and apply from these chapters!

The second fact brings the question: What does a pierced ear mean spiritually? Why was Trump’s ear pierced by a bullet? This event raises many other questions. Could it be that Trump, like the church of Christ, is being positioned to hear and obey only the voice of God and His will these days? What is the spiritual principle of a bondservant’s ear being pierced at the door in Numbers 21:5? What does the Lord Jesus say about Himself in John 6:36-37? How does the Apostle Paul introduce himself in his letters? It is important to note that the correct translation of “servant” in Greek in the beginning of Paul’s letters is “doulos.”

In Greek culture, it meant a “bondservant,” someone who sold himself willingly into slavery to another person for a specific period or indefinitely. In Numbers 21:5, the bondservant served out of love and surrender to the master. The truth is that we were bought by the precious blood of the Lamb and now belong to God. “For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which is God’s.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 (NKJV).

History reveals that the bondservant’s ear was pierced at the door of the master’s house. The Lord Jesus is the door; He was nailed to a tree, and His blood was shed for all of us! There is much to say and apply in this spiritual truth of the “pierced ear” of a bondservant who serves his master out of deep love for life!

We now come to Trump’s question about his shoes. He was emphatic about leaving the situation only with his shoes on. Most people would run out without thinking about shoes. What does this represent if not a strong conviction and faith that our feet (our walk with God) must be prepared with the gospel of peace, especially during a battle against the enemy of our souls?

A common practice in Jesus’ time was to wash the feet upon entering a house. In this way, we enter the presence of God the Father, washed by the blood of the Lamb in our walk with Him in holiness. The enemy does everything he can to interrupt our journey of faith and prevent us from fulfilling our God-designated destiny. This was the case with the attempt on Trump’s life, and the enemy lost!

We clearly see the victory of God’s providence and protection over Trump’s life in a miraculous way. Like it or not, Trump has been an instrument in God’s hands all these years. It is only by the grace and mercy of God that he is alive today, not only for his own life but for a much greater purpose.

Several liberal social networks in the USA, which typically avoid talking about God, recently reported a possible divine intervention that saved Trump from death. So, let us be on guard with the truth in the face of adversity, always wearing the preparation of the gospel of peace, which is the power of God for all who believe in Him.

Finally, we come to another amazing fact. A loud voice of indignation for justice burst into the air. After putting on his shoes, amidst pain, blood, and confusion, Trump cried out to the crowd, saying, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” This cry was heard by millions on social media worldwide! Isn’t this also the cry of the Church of Christ, not to be intimidated even in the face of struggle and pain, but to cry out for the Kingdom of God to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven? Only after putting on the whole armor of God can we stand our ground. Even Creation eagerly expects the manifestation of the children of God (Romans 8:19).

Today, we see victory after victory over the wicked and all who try to hide behind deceptive false narratives, but in the end, they are defeated. Here is a biblical correlation between the wicked and the righteous: “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Proverbs 28:1.

The promises of God are for us today and they are for now!!!. Paul writes, “And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen!” Romans 16:20. Here is another great promise in Psalm 108:13: “Through God, we will triumph, for he will trample down our enemies.”

In light of this recent shocking event, we must be on high alert, discerning, and firm in all the truths of God’s word and in the authority He has given us in His name. Let us fight the good fight, for we are more than conquerors in Christ!

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